Friday, April 10, 2020

Thumbnails for Project 3

Project 3 story FACTS!

In order to understand the scene that I wish to set up for this project!
Before the scene:
1. The Signal Man sees the 'shadow' apparition in the tunnel of a man with an outstretched arm while covering his eyes yelling for the Signal Man to watch out.
2. When first seeing this figure he runs over to it into the tunnel when it vanishes before his eyes as if no one was there at all (obviously he is spooked and runs out from the tunnel immediately)
3. After this encounter, there is an accident (only after six hours!) on the tracks which leads the Signal Man to believe this could have been a warning for him.
4. He becomes more paranoid as he sees the apparition a few more times and vigilantly watches the tracks and does his job like his life depended on it.
1.The Wanderer stands before the tunnel with an outstretched hand waving to the Signal Man from down bellow
2. Its an early morning with the fog sticking to the scene and coating it like a veil
3. The Signal Man stands before his box with a flag in hand and looks upon the Wanderer with a tired expression
4. The shadow of the Wanderer just reaches the Signal Man with just the tips of his fingers (of the shadow that is) almost as if it is reaching for him
1. After realizing that the Wanderer is real the Signal Man begins to help him instead of continuously staring towards him
2. This leads to the beginning of the story where he (Signal Man) tells the Wanderer that he almost took him for an apparition
3. The Signal Man lets the Wanderer inside in order to tell him the ghosts that have been haunting his waking hours these past few months
4. The warmth of the box can have a stark contrast to the outside world where the tracks can be a stark black with the fog subtly hiding the figure of whatever is outside

Red Riding Hood Practice

Friday, March 27, 2020

Project 3- Concept and Mood (Signal Man)

1. When I chose the story the Signal Man to draw the concept art for since I find thrillers/ghost stories quite interesting to read and imagine the characters and scenes.

2. The adjectives that I kept in mind while reading was melancholic, lonesome, maddening, chilling, ghostly, and suspenseful.

3. I wish to use blues and greens as a prominent color for the landscape to give off the depressed and cold landscape the story takes place in. But, I also want to add a splash of red (with a little orange and white) to draw the viewers' eyes while also showcases a prominent element of the story.

(I'm been looking forward to this assignment and am very excited to draw out this landscape for this story!!!!!)

Friday, March 13, 2020

WIP for Project 2! (oh dear)

I've been having a bit of trouble with the pencil (sketch?) tool with it connecting lines into one blob when I don't want ti to. The WIP looks super messy due to that since I had to overlap a bunch of lines over one another. Plus the last panel I forgot to have the guy model for the running away pose for the shadow so I put in a reference to trace over it (if you were wondering why that was there). No other technical difficulties besides putting things in the wrong layer (my bad) and the sketch tool.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Ideas for Project #2

Ideas for the project
  1. How to throw away the trash
  2. How to catch stars from the sky
  3. How to draw a perfect circle
  4. How to properly food fight
  5. How to confess your undying love!
  6. How to summon a demon 
  7. How to listen to metal music 
  8. How to brush your teeth
  9. How to NOT procrastinate
  10. How to do the dishes 
  11. How to use a ouija board
  12. How to eat a croissant 
  13. How to do shadow puppets
  14. How to wash the dishes
  15. How to travel through time
  16. How to become a blanket burrito
  17. How to really sing all parts in a musical 
  18. How to fold a plastic bag
  19. How to make new friends
  20. How to talk to dogs (yes, just dogs)
  21. How to bedazzle your whole wardrobe 
  22. How to get rid of a spider 
  23. How to truly become slime
  24. How to turn anything you want into a sword
  25. How to explain memes to aliens
  26. How to easily clear your mailbox (email)
  27. How to send a blanket to pluto
  28. How to duct tape a satellite (in SPACE!)
  29. How to have an exciting life like an anime opening
  30. How to change a lightbulb
  31. How to make clouds 
  32. How to become one with the shadows
  33. How to see your favorite band in concert
  34. How to survive working in retail
  35. How to look cute as heck
  36. How to become really surprising 
  37. How to place wind turbines on Jupiter
  38. How to set the lakes on the moon Titan on fire real quick
  39. How to ride a bike
  40. How to make a boat just made for space!
  41. How to dry hair WITHOUT a hair dryer
  42. How to produce produce
  43. How to make your perfect resume and cover letter appear out of thin air!!
  44. How to play a song cause you’re the jazz man!!
  45. How to make the ULTIMATE tophat 
  46. How to bake cookies on the sun
  47. How to befriend a murder of crows
  48. How to wash your hands
  49. How to perfect your skincare routine
  50. How to improve your artistic abilities

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Hello world!! What's up??

Now, this first post might be for my Illustration class but that doesn't mean you (possible viewer) have to wait to see THESE amazing artworks! Consider these pieces to be a little journey through my art as I work through both school projects and my own passion projects. I have been strongly influenced by cartoons, anime, and comics which I have continuously inspired by. I'm still trying to figure out what I truly want to do with my artwork and trying to rediscover the fun in making art. Well, putting those depressing thoughts aside let's get down to business and look at these masterpieces.