Friday, March 13, 2020

WIP for Project 2! (oh dear)

I've been having a bit of trouble with the pencil (sketch?) tool with it connecting lines into one blob when I don't want ti to. The WIP looks super messy due to that since I had to overlap a bunch of lines over one another. Plus the last panel I forgot to have the guy model for the running away pose for the shadow so I put in a reference to trace over it (if you were wondering why that was there). No other technical difficulties besides putting things in the wrong layer (my bad) and the sketch tool.

1 comment:

  1. You start with some very legible photo reference (clear poses and expressions, clear staging). The first panel is off to a clear start, with the person doing hand shadows. However, the next two panels aren't as clear as of yet (I think that's because it's still very much in progress). By the way, to change the settings of the pencil tool, double-click the icon (the tool) and the Pencil window, with all its parameters will appear. Change them to your preferences. Take care and go for it!
